- 信息時間:2024-06-25 11:01
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聶云霞1,2?? 陳彥慧3
(1.蘇州大學社會學院,江蘇蘇州,215000 ;2.中國人民大學檔案事業發展研究中心,北京,100872 ;? 3.南昌大學人文學院,江西南昌,330031)
Archival Ethics and Social Memory Construction: Relationship and Path
Nie Yunxia1,2 Chen Yanhui3
( 1.College of Sociology, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000; 2.Archival Undertaking Development Research Center, RenminUniversity of China, Beijing 100872; 3.School of Humanities, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031 )
Abstract: Archives are an important carrier of social memory construction. As a moral code that regulates the behavior of archivalsubjects, archival ethics can provide conceptual guidance for the rational construction of social memory. Combining the basic concepts ofarchival ethics and social memory construction, the relationship between the two is analyzed. It is found that archival ethics plays a positiverole in promoting the construction of social memory, and social memory construction activities are constantly enriching the content ofarchival ethics. Based on the connotation of archival ethics and social memory construction and the relationship between them, this papertries to explore the construction path of social memory from the four ethical dimensions, namely archival subjects, justice, technology andjurisprudence.
Keywords: Archival Ethics; Social Memory; Construction Path