- 信息時間:2022-11-17 10:38
- 瀏覽次數:
閆 靜 劉洋洋
摘 要:作為記錄社會發展的一種原始性記憶符號或敘事媒介,檔案對身份認同的作用機制呈現出一體兩面的趨勢:一是通過記憶建構,維系與重建身份認同;二是通過記憶消解,抹去與隱藏個體差異。而檔案對身份認同的作用機制又與記憶和遺忘相伴相生,即檔案選擇性記憶以建構身份認同,同時選擇性遺忘以消解身份認同。如今,身份認同話語從權力神壇轉向更廣泛的個體語境,這對檔案事業提出了新訴求,即構建一個全景的檔案世界,尊重個性、包容差異。
Identity Paradox in Archives :
the Functional and Internal Mechanism of Archives to Identity
Yan Jing,Liu Yangyang
(School of History and Culture of Shandong University, Ji’nan, Shandong, 250100)
Abstract : As a primitive memory symbol or narrative medium to record the social development,the functional mechanism of archives to identity presents a trend of two sides, one is to construct,maintain and reconstruct identity through memory, the other is to eliminate, erase and hide individual
difference through memory. The functional mechanism of archives to identity is accompanied by memory and oblivion, through remembering or forgetting selectively to construct or to dispel identity.Nowadays, identity discourse has changed from a power shrine to a broader context of individuality,which puts forward a new demand of building a panoramic archival world, respecting for individuality and admitting various differences for the archival undertaking.
Keywords: Archival value;Identity;Memory;Oblivion;Selective Mechanism